Brazilian Zombie Will Make You Run For Your Life – Prank

The GIF above is tame in comparison to the video below! But still a cool prank.

But no Pranks are better than the ones where people a legit scared for their lives. Some people also don’t want to get their hair wet while they run it appears.

The Walking Dead Volume 12 – Life Among Them

What happened LAST TIME

*Ben killed the shit out of Billy with a Croc Dundee knife.
*The group votes on what to do with Ben and the majority decide to kill him. But can’t decide on who should kill a kid.
*While the group sleeps on it, Carl decides he would like to kill a kid. So he ‘Double Taps’ Ben on the quiet.
*A Priest joins the group and says they can stay at the Church. So they pack up and leave dead Ben.
*Some pervs are watching the group from the shadows. When Dale wanders into the woods, the pervs grab him.
*Michonne wants to bang Morgan.
*As it turns out, the pervs are cannibals and eat Dale’s good leg. However, Dale was bitten in the last zombie attack and that he’s tainted. It’s vomit time!
*The Cannibal Pervs dump Dale at the church as a trap to get a ‘fresh’ body. Rick realises what’s going down and wants to go on a killing spree.
*With the help of the Priest, they find the People Eaters. Rick and Co. kill the life out of them and then burn them. The Priest is quite upset by this.
*Dale dies and then Andrea kills him.
*Carl tell Rick with tears in his eyes that he was the one who killed Ben.

And Here We Go

Click to continue the summary

Cold Steel – Apocalypse Proof Weapons

From what I can gather from this video, when the apocalypse/zombie invasion happens, there’s going to be a whole lot of violence, stabbing and slicing and the people over at Cold Steel are helping you prepare.

What I think is going to be a big money maker, is ‘Apocalypse Proof ARMOUR’ to combat these badass weapons. That’s my idea, don’t steal it, unless you’re willing to hand over some freebies this way!

Walking Dead Volume 11 – Fear the Hunters

What happened Last Volume

* Maggie’s had a gut full and tries to off herself.
* Abraham wants to kill her again before she turns. Glen thinks this is a bad idea and saves her instead.
* Rick’s pissy at Abraham because he nearly killed Maggie and threatens him. Killing people is Rick’s job!
* Abraham in turn shows Rick just how easy it could be to kill him.
* Abraham, Rick and Carl go on a road trip to Rick’s old Police Station to get more weapons.
* On the way the almost get jacked and Carl nearly takes a trip to the Rape Store. Rick thinks this is a bad idea and kills Mr. Would-be-rapist here with a pair of pliers and a blowtorch.
* Abraham gets sentimental and tells Rick how he killed his Zombie daughter. Rick tries to show Abraham who has a bigger dick. Carl also joins in and brings his own ruler.
* Morgan is still at the house next door to Rick’s old house. And Dwayne is now a zombie. Morgan sets him free to murder unsuspecting living people. Because, why not.
* On the way back to camp, the lads and Morgan are chased by a herd.
* They get back to camp and everyone leaves. Dale thinks Rick is trying to get everyone killed. It’s ONLY taken 11 Volumes for him to come to this conclusion.

And Here We Go

Click to continue the summary

Walking Dead Zombie Prank – Nick Santonastasso and Norman Reedus

Nick Santonastasso is a HUGE Walking Dead fan. He was born with no legs and only one arm due to Hanhart Syndrome, and for his own amusement, and many others who follow his vine posts, dresses like a zombie in public and scares the living hell out of people. So you can imagine how happy he was when Andrew Lincoln, who plays Rick on the hit show, calls him up and says he’d like him to do one of his Zombie Pranks on fellow cast mate Norman Reedus (Daryl Dixon) in Japan. Norman’s reaction is absolutely hilarious and Nick is genuinely happy to do this and meet some of the guys from his favourite show. Absolutely awesome!

Walking Dead Volume 10 – What We Become

What happened Last Volume

* Michonne kills Zombie Tyreese, then goes following some footsteps.
* Rick and Carl are scrounging around houses until Rick passes out due to an annoying gun shot wound.
* During Rick’s sleep Carl kills some Zombies and decides he doesn’t need his Dad anymore and tells him that he can die.
* Rick doesn’t listen, as usual, and lives.
* Rick starts to feel better because antibiotics are bullet-hole fixers.
* The lads luckily find a car full of gas and food that was owned by a guy who was getting eaten by Z’s. So they take it, because Zombies don’t have licences.
* Rick is talking to a woman on the phone. As it turns out, it’s Lori. That’s right. DEAD Lori. Rick has lost it.
* Crazy Rick thinks it’s a good idea for a 10-year-old to drive. It’s not. Carl is nearly attacked by Zombie’s but as luck would have it, Michonne kills everything not breathing and saves them.
* The Threesome are found by Glenn and Maggie! They’re all living back at the farm with the other survivors from the Prison. The Band Is Back Together!!!!
* At the farm a truck rolls up, with Abraham, Eugene and Rosita. They want supplies because they’re going to Washington DC! Eugene’s a damn scientist who knows everything. The gang pack up everything and travel with them!

And Here We Go

Volume 10 Starts Here

Dead Island Live Action Trailer

I remember seeing the original trailer for the game and being blown away (You can see it below). I thought it would be the best looking game around and had a really cool concept. As it turns out the trailer was the best part of the game.

AND NOW, some really awesome people have put together a shot-for-shot Live Action version of it!! Very impressive!

Night of the Living Deadpool

This January there is going to be ANOTHER Deadpool story hitting the comic stands. And it’s going to be awesome!

Written by Cullen Bunn, the same guy who wrote the very cool ‘Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe’ and art by Ramon Rosanas, Deadpool finds himself waking up after a massive food coma, to a world for of brain and flesh eating zombies! Will Deadpool care too much seeing that he regenerates? Will Zombie Deadpool make an appearance? We’ll have to read it and find out!

But for now, there’s a few pages to get you going? I really like how it’s going to be all black and grey with only Mr. ‘Pool in colour! I cant wait!

Continue here for 2 more pages