Batman vs Superman Trailer (Fan Made)

Well this certainly didn’t take too long! Some very clever person has made there own trailer featuring Cavill as Superman and Affleck as Batman.

Oh, but what is this? Brian Cranston as Luthor!!!

Fans are going to be pissed if they cant sign him for the role!

And Batman will be played by Ben Affleck! (Updated)

*I’ve let the news sink in since writing this piece last week when the news dropped. I thought that I would do a little update on my thoughts about this! My opinion hasn’t changed, but it’s definitely grown. Your thoughts are always welcome!

I’m surprisingly happy about this decision. I know when Anne Hathaway was announced as Cat Woman for Dark Knight Rises, I lost my mind and contemplated not going to see it because she irritates me that much (even though now I thought she was tolerable), but I’m very different about this one. Especially because I’m not a HUGE fan of Affleck. I liked him in Argo. I liked him in Dogma. My wife showed me a scene from Boiler Room which I quite enjoyed. Not much else.


He will be the most awesome playing Bruce Wayne!

Especially as an older Bruce. The character ‘Bruce Wayne’ (Because that’s how Batman sees it. Batman is the man, Bruce is the facade!) is smarmy, over the top, stand offish, unlikable for the most part, thinks he’s better than everyone else, even though he wants the people of Gotham to believe he’s one of them.

This IS Ben Affleck!! He could go on-screen and play himself and get an Academy Award!

As Batman, I think he can do enough to pull off the overly angry, but that’s not what I believe this movie is going to be about. This will be about Bat’s vs Supe’s. In the comics, Bat’s is never really angry at Supe’s, he’s more trying to help him see the light when he strays off course, which is what I think will be the main story of this next movie. Batman knows that he can’t match Superman’s powers or strength. Superman could kill him in a second if that was his feeling. But The Dark Knight can outwit Kal El! Batman will be Superman’s conscience! In the Justice League, Batman is always the brains of the operation, while Superman, Wonder Woman etc doing all the heavy lifting, generally speaking. There’s also an uneasiness between them most times, as Batman is in possession of Kryptonite if Superman ever loses his shit with people and goes rogue and Superman knows this and sees it as distrust, rather than for everyone else’s safety.

There’s so many ways that this could go down. But in my opinion this is not going to be a movie about whether or not Batman is the complete badass that he was in the past trilogy. I think it’s going to be more like the Batman in comics, than Batman in the movies and video games.

Don’t get me wrong, this wont be a Tarantino-esque dialogue fest. There WILL BE a battle between the two, and it will be awesome! But it’s not going to be a fight to the death. It’ll be a fight to prove a point

All in all, I like this choice and I’m totally pumped to see where this goes!!

Bryan Cranston as Lex Luthor?

It could happen…

“Give me a call, I like Lex Luthor. I think he’s misunderstood. He’s a loveable, sweet man.”
– Bryan Cranston to METRO

I think the media are just looking for (previously) bald actors who could play Lex in the up coming Superman vs Batman movie. Personally, I think it would be great as he’s an awesomely talented actor who can bring softness, but confidence to the role, which I think deep down is the heart and soul of Lex Luthor.

And depending on who is going to be playing the Bruce Wayne character, I would absolutely LOVE to see the scene below, from the ridiculously awesome graphic novel written by Brian Azzarello and art by Lee Bermejo ‘Luthor: Man of Steel’

Batman vs Superman – Super Cafe

MORE Batman vs Superman entertainment coming at you. Again it’s from the guys at HISHI and they bring a new episode of Super Cafe, where Batman and Superman ‘discuss’ who will win and who could kick who’s arse.

I’ll give you a hint….

… he’s BATMAN!!!

Batman/Superman movie coming! Press Conference Footage – SDCC

So this is pretty huge news from Comic Con this past weekend!!

The next Man Of Steel movie, coming out in 2015 will feature BATMAN!! From the comments that I’ve read, people seem to be well into this and is probably going to be the biggest superhero movie ever made.

That is, until they lead on into The Justice League after this little tie-in.

What’s the story going to be about? Who’s going to be the villain? How is the Dark and Broody, Batman going to fit into the bright and shiny Metropolis? Or will Supe’s coming to Gotham? Maybe they’ll meet in Star City?


The only think that I really want to see in this movie is Bruce Wayne interact with Lex Luthor! Previously, I’ve mentioned how much I love the scenes from the Graphic Novel ‘Luthor’ written by Brian Azzarello with art by Lee Bermejo and would love to see them interact more in the comics in this way. Here’s hoping that it may come out in the movie!!

Anyway, check out the Press Conference from Comic Con with the announcement of Man of Steel 2

Batman/Superman #1 Preview

This week a new comic series is coming from DC Comics. Batman/Superman! Written by Greg Pak (Iron Man, Incredible Hulk) and drawn by Jae Lee (Inhumans, Fantastic 4)

This first story arc is going to revolve around the very first meeting of the Dark Knight and the Son of Krypton. These 4 pages that have been released look really great. Batman is a complete calculating badass and Superman comes to save the day! So it’s pretty much what you’re going to expect.

I really like reading stories on how Bats and Supes interact with each other. One of my favourite scenes in any book is when Bruce Wayne is having lunch with Lex Luthor talking about Superman and what a danger he is and what happens in the aftermath of that, in Brian Azzarello’s ‘Luthor’ with tremendous art by Lee Bermejo. So I’m very interested to check this new series out!

Anywho, Check out the 4 pages below and make your own conclusions.

3 more pages! Click here!

The science behind Superman’s punch!


Let’s say that you pissed off Superman so much that the only way he could deal with it was to punch you square in the nose! Maybe you were taking too long in the phone-box. Maybe he didn’t like the way you were looking at Supergirl (He’s hell incest-y like that!). What sort of devastation would that cause to your face?

Superman packs one hell of a punch. He can punch you all the way into space!! But some really clever people have broken it all down to speed, weight and atoms!! SCIENCE BITCHES!!

The Lego Movie trailer


LEGO just keeps getting bigger and bigger as the years go on. Having the rights to so many franchises and are able to use likeness’ of movie characters, have made it possible that they can now make a movie that includes the likes of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Batman, Superman as well as NBA Players.

More importantly though is that they have the voice of Morgan Freakin Freeman!!!!

There are lots of other people doing great little, unofficial movies with LEGO, but this could be the biggest animated movie ever!! Check out the awesome trailer.

New ‘Man of Steel’ trailers just keep getting better


… and they just keep coming!!

This time it’s a Nokia Exclusive (what ever that means) and it’s showing Krypton getting blown to pieces, General Zod being a complete badass and RUSSELL DAMN CROWE being awesome!!! These past couple of trailers have made me a believer. I MUST see this movie when it comes out!

If you’re a Superman fan, go over and Find out what your Kryptonian Shield is!!

More on Villain Month!

So the other day I posted a story on DC Comics doing Villain Month in September and today I have a few more titles that have been released as well as some more of the 3D covers!! We’re just waiting on a handful more titles to be released and I’ll provide a full list once it is all done. But so far this is what we’ve got to look forward to come September!!!

Batman: 23.1 The Joker, 23.2 The Riddler, 23.3 The Penguin, 23.4 Bane

Detective Comics: 23.1 Poison Ivy, 23.2 Harley Quinn, 23.3 Scarecrow, 23.4 Man Bat

Batman & Robin: 23.1 Two-face, 23.2 Court of Owls, 23.3 Ra’s al Ghul, 23.4 Killer Croc

Batman The Dark Knight: 23.1 The Ventriloquist, 23.2 Mr. Freeze, 23.3 Clayface, 23.4 The Jokers Daughter

Superman: 23.1 Bizarro Superman, 23.2 Brainiac, 23.3 H’El 23.4 Parasite

Action Comics: 23.1 Cyborg Superman, 23.2 General Zod, 23.3 Lex Luthor, 23.4 Metallo

Green Lantern: 23.1 Relic, 23.2 Mongul, 23.3 Black Hand, 23.4 Sinestro

Justice League: 23.1 Darseid, 23.2 Lobo, 23.3 Dial E, 23.4 Sectret Society

Teen Titans: 23.1 Trigon, 23.2 Deathstroke, 23.3 Doomsday

The Flash: 23.1 Grodd, 23.2 Reverse Flash, 23.3 The Rogues

Aqua Man: 23.1 Black Manta, 23.2 Ocean Master, 23.3 Arcane

Earth 2: 15.1 Desaad, 15.2 Soloman Grundy

Click Here for MORE 3D covers